Returned home a couple days ago, thedowngoing came with us, so I had the pleasaure of showing them around my shithole town. With such attractions as, the local dive bars, the other bars, the woods, and of course Taco Boy.
oh and faygo
This place doesnt feel like home anymore, more like a home base, recovery station.
Though it is good to see the homies, even if most of them do kinda suck.
Anyway, the rest of tour was really good. All good shows, memories, blahblah. I dont feel like talking about this.
BUT, we did go to this little place called the CITY MUSEUM, St. Louis, MO.
Probably the greatest place ive been, in a long time, or ever. Check that shit out.
I cant find a single picture to do it justice. look some up.
so yeah, tour good. I will miss the aussies sooooo much. I miss everyone.
5days home, then back to the grind with old soul.
We have our vinyl. It looks super good.
Playing Muskegon, MI on christmas.
soon to be our new home...
Mt. Pleasant Dec. 26th. Probably first real show sense the record store went out. Fucking crazy.
Hello all. I am posting from Phoenix, AZ right now. Next to my sleeping band mates and our new Aussie brethren. I think there is a week left or so of tour, home for a week, then leaving with old soul. Hopefully i can avoid my almost always, home from tour depression.
Tour has been radical, i don't even know where to start.
I have seen so many of our friends who are spread out all over the country on this trip.
False loves, thou homie, my best friend Colin Hodo, water torture of course.
Just so many great people. Shows have been great too.
Chicago, fucking wild.
Canada was fucking killer, aside from the border holding us up for almost three hours. At least they were concerned for our safety enough to pull us into a back room to go of the record and tell us, "the places you're playing while in Canada...are BASEMENTS! And im concerned for your safety, as a HUMAN BEING." haha real shit, we had to explain punk rock to our pencil thin mustache, bullet proof vest, gumpy officer. But really I can't wait to go back there, so beautiful and the shows were so cool.
Laundromat show...fuck yes...i hope some footage or photos show up on the nets soon. Crossing into the US was way to easy. I shouldn't have thrown away all my Granddaddy, but, what can you do right?
It is what it is.
West coast was awesome, as expected. Best friend time with Colin, couldn't be happier. Forests, mountains, that place really does feel like it could be home. Cali ended up being great, one of the best shows on tour in east LA. Mostly Latino scene, such a strong and fun and passionate community. Its those places that keep you going, that make up for stuck up hipness at shows.
Had day of in Vegas, of all places, actually didn't party as hard as i thought we would. Vegas is a lot more tame than i expected. But i guess north Vegas, the old strip is where its at.
We have become so close with Muzz (andrew fuzzy muzzy murry) and Mathias (matt/absurdest crabbypants). But really, we love them so much, its made everything so much fun. It really wouldnt is the best part about going on tour i think, just that, you can make such strong bonds with people, even from across the planet. Bonds that don't use the internet or texts. Bonds that will last forever, and memories to hold on to.
OH, also, ive been keeping a tour journal, i rather like it.
uhhh, sore
anyway, stoked for the next few dates, should be good. Just hope no one gets in a fight, sick, or anything like that. With all the extreme highs of this tour, there has been some pretty low points.
But its all worth it.
As silly as it sounds, we are following our dreams, our REAL dreams, and I wouldnt trade it for anything.
Up top. I did as much as i could, there is a few I could not get a hold of, and a few that I thought would be better left, forgotten. Will be fixing it up with download links for all soon.
I started making hungry moths tracks with Madison. Sad, folkish acoustic stuff. We will be making a lot more. I really like it. SO in case anyone thought I wasnt apart of as many musical projects as I should be, heres another for the list. Really, i'm real happy with how this stuff turned out and cant wait to do more. There is half the songs from the EP we did together on bandcamp. Go listen.
The second record by Found Letters. This one falling more into drone/doom. Thanks to Steven Hunt for the beautiful second guitar on 'the calloused and bloody'. Song with Hungry moths aslo (will post about soon). All the tracks are on souncloud to listen/dl.
Also look out for the new UNIVERSAL EXPORTS. Shit is soooo good.
We did our dates with republic of dreams recently. I can't really put into words how special and fulfilling the shows were. They are such a great band, and great people. Just having our new friends here from Germany, our Florida family, Bostonian crumudgys, Chris yueng, Sock, Brando, the menace and all of our dearest Michigan homies all together sharing what we have made, is a gift greater than any I could imagine.
check out republic of dreams
and support DIY and all the things going on around you.
came across this split set video. last songs. too fucking funny. rat storm is amazing. cloud rat is funny.
best set ender ever.
p.s.p.s i lovelove djdj brandonbrandon hillhill
We recorded the music for 3 new records about a month ago with the all mighty kevkitch. Working on vocals/mixing now.
To be released...
Cloud Rat- Moksha (Full length 12" LP)
Cloud Rat/Orgullo primitivo (split 7") Orgullo Primitivo is a one man, drum and vocal, fucking, sight to see. Check him out.
Cloud Rat/Republic of Dreams (split 12").......they are suuuuper sick.
We are also going to be on a 7" Compilation EP series out of Greece.
Lots of stuff
Oh yeah, and we are going to Europe.
Some other tours too, westcoast and canada forsure.
January Clip?????
Behind some mostly burnt to shit log cabin, clair.
SO here is a video shot in clair 4 years ago or something staring casums and hanson. and, some guy.
Hello. I finally got around to posting some SAWTOOTH stuff. Just a few songs from 2 of the 4 records. Will eventually get around to posting the full records.
Also, I have been collaborating with Tom (greenhouse, dumping problem) with 'Universal Exports' no rules, dark, emotive, ambient music. I mostly do the piano work. I Really enjoy it, and now that I don't really have to go to work, it's nice to have something to do while the rat and the souls are on a little break.
Ive been home from the December Cloud Rat tour for over a month now. We have even done a weekend sense then. I have not done any of the things I set out to do on my return. I have not taken care of myself, I have not made my life better and obviously have not updated this compost pile underneath a rotting corpse of a blog either.
Still plan on posting stuff. Old recordings and photos and things. Don't have a computer right now, this is the first time I have touched one sense last post. That will change soon.
For whatever reason things always seem to fall apart on our return from tour. Maybe because cloud rat tours are so good and positive, and home can be, well, not that. Things are coming around however.
Old Soul-...who are willing to draw close (part two of two) is nearly complete. which is good.
Cloud rat is recording as well. I just did about 17 drums tracks last night. ouch. I think it will be our best stuff yet. I leave for old soul tour next month on the first, and cloud rat tour as soon as I get back. I guess its what ive always wanted. To be consumed with music.
well, I will go finish my bourbon with my chaser...of bourbon, and smoke my pipe as I look out into the ever blistering frost as it slams me in the face. Then fall asleep with my baby... Dumpster Pizza
life aint so bad.
dug up some old pictures with friends...haha. Its good to remember you're not all alone from time to time. Even if it does feel that way, most of the time. so, Don't forget about the people that make you smile.